How we are run

Civic Voice is a charity and company limited by guarantee and registered in England. We are a federal organisation and civic societies make up our core membership. We also welcome support from individuals, town and parish councils, voluntary and public sector organisations and business.

We are governed by a Board comprising six trustees from civic societies elected by our members and up two co-opted trustees. The Board is chaired by Martin Hamilton.

There is a range of formal and informal routes to shape the priorities of Civic Voice. Members participate in our work, get involved at a national convention and engage in the key issues through meetings of local clusters of societies and by providing information, examples and experience for Civic Voice to use in our lobbying and influence.

Our civic society members pay a fee based on the size of their membership. Civic Voice seeks to raise core funds through membership to guarantee independence. We also receive funding from other members and donors, English Heritage, Esmée Fairbairn Foundation and through a variety of project work and corporate partnerships.