Ian Harvey
Ian is the Joint Founder and Executive Director and was one of two individuals who set up the Civic Society Initiative and then Civic Voice.
Ian is a Senior Fellow at the Institute of Place Management (Manchester Met University) and sits on the Government's High Street Task Force Executive Group.
Ian is pictured with Laura Sandys, Civic Voice's Vice-president.
Email Ian at:
Tweet Ian at: @ianmichharvey
Helen Kidman
Helen Kidman is based in Ilkley and supports administration and coordinates our regional network via the Civic Voice Regional Forum. She has been in post since October 2016.
Sarah James
Sarah James is the Membership Development Officer and has been with the team since February 2015.
Sarah works on membership development and the Civic Voice Design Awards.
Email Sarah at:
Tweet Sarah at: @jamesslf
Sandra Taylor
Sandra works with Civic Voice to deliver workshops throughout England.