Step 2 – Learn how to do a war memorial condition survey
First download a copy of the Condition Survey Form and then watch the film below to discover how to carry out your survey.
War Memorial Condition Survey Tutorial from Civic Voice on Vimeo.
Photographs are an important part of the survey so take a look at help sheet 1 to give you some hints and tips about what your photographs should show.
You are now ready to do your survey!
Don’t forget to take with you your survey form and a pencil, a tape measure or ruler, and a camera.
Need help finding your local war memorials?
Explore: war memorials are everywhere, from public squares and parks to places of work, and they come in all shapes and styles; crosses, plaques; obelisks, stained glass windows and even complete buildings!
Ask around: there’s no substitute for local knowledge!
Do your homework: visit the local studies section of your library or local archives.
Search online: visit to search the War Memorials Register, a record of UK war memorials or you can also visit
REMEMBER not all war memorials are located in public places and you may need permission to gain access to them, for example, if they are inside buildings or on privately- owned land.