Role of Civic Societies in the future planning regime
Posted: 27 July 2010 10:24 AM   [ Ignore ]
Total Posts:  1
Joined  2010-07-27

There would appear to be far reaching effects in the Localism Bill that would have a big impact (positive or negative) on the role of Civic Societies in the planning process.

My initial thoughts are:

1. It is a fine idea to take power away from an ‘interfering government’ and give it to the people, but just who are the people?  We could find ourselves governed by small-minded NIMBYs, to the extent that everything can be stopped, but beneficial developments can never get off the ground.

2. If a sensible development is rejected, the present rules allow the developer to appeal to a government inspector.  If “the people” are responsible, not the government, who can a developer appeal to?

3. Whilst the Structural Reform Plan is only at the ‘Draft’ stage. Page 8, Action 3.3 states to - “maintain the Green Belt, Sites of Special Scientific Interest and other environmental protections and create a new designation to protect green areas of particular importance to local communities as part of the Localism Bill”. How does protecting the Green Belt (Action 3.3) link in with allowing building on Green Belt land without formal planning permission?

4. Who in the community is going to decide the location, design, height, distance in relation to other buildings, quality of materials, access roads etc if formal planning permission is not required. We know that the present planning arrangements are tried and tested and Council planning officials are qualified in interpreting planning laws.

5. If these proposed new arrangements are to become a reality will infighting result in the community due to disagreement as to a proposed building development.  What mechanisms will be necessary to determine the local support for any plans and how far does ‘local’ extend?

6. Who is to arbitrate on the points and others mentioned above.

7. Is this development limited to just dwellings or could industrial units be erected?
In conclusion this Big Society approach leaves a lot of unanswered questions. I feel this is something Civic Voice should be involved in, preferably before the Bill becomes law.

Posted: 11 November 2011 11:25 AM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 1 ]
Total Posts:  1
Joined  2011-11-11

I don’t understand this comment. Is it commenting on the NPPF for if so I don’t recognize the points?

Posted: 11 November 2011 12:14 PM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 2 ]
Total Posts:  111
Joined  2010-04-27

The Localism Bill is just about to get Royal Assent and it does provide important opportunities for civic societies to get involved and have more control over what happens in their area.  We have been workin ghard on the Bill and secured no fewer than three changes to the legislation.  The new right for neighbourhood forums (which coul dbe civic societies) or town/parish councils to prepared neighbourhood plans is key.  We are encouraging every civic society to look at what’s possible and also to take advantage of the free advice available to support you in developin ga vision for your area of undertakein neighbourhood projects.  That provided by Locality through the Building Community consortium is particularly appropriate as it is tailored to your needs and many civic societies are taking advantage of it - find more here .

You can find out what we ar eup to on localism and the planning policy reforms here and join Griff Rhys Jones and show your support for our Campaign for fair planning here