Civic Voice’s main lobbying focus is on ensuring community groups have the resources and support to take advantage of the provisions in the Bill. hw is spot on inflagging this one and we are looking at the new #3m fund being set up to fund support to communities and the role Civic Voice might play.
With due respect, £3m is peanuts compared with the resources likely to be needed if communities are to take over the running of many cultural facilities, as is being suggested in many areas, including Oxfordshire, where the County Council is proposing cutting 20 libraries, and telling local communities that if they want libraries, they can join the ‘Big Society’ and run them themselves.
We can all enthuse about the better and more democratic involvement of communities, and Civic Societies in particular, in shaping the planning and design of both our built environment, AND our cultural environment, but this is very different from using Localism as a fig-leaf to disguise the abdication of responsibility by central and local Government for maintaining our society.