Planning law relating to change of use from pub to shop and vice versa
Posted: 10 November 2011 12:19 PM   [ Ignore ]
Total Posts:  3
Joined  2011-09-23

At present no planning permission (apart from for cosmetic changes - signs, aircon units etc.) is required for change of use from a pub to a shop and vice versa.  Pubs and shops are very different animals, particularly with regard to traffic patterns and customer footfall.  In Abingdon we have just had an example of why planning law needs to be changed such that full planning permission must be obtained for such changes of use.  A failed pub has been acquired by Tesco and will be reopened as a Tesco Express. Friends of Abingdon Civic Society and others objected to this on the grounds of highway safety. However, not surprisingly in view of current planning law, the District Council planning committee had no option but to accept the planning officer’s recommendation to approve the application even though they noted the serious concerns raised about a dangerous increase in traffic at a very awkward junction.  This is just one example of why Civic Voice needs to continue, and step up, its campaign for a change in planning law.

Posted: 11 November 2011 12:22 PM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 1 ]
Total Posts:  111
Joined  2010-04-27

Thanks Bobbie - we’ve been campaigning on just this point and worked with Living Streets and the Campaign for Real Ale in tabling amendments to the Localism Bill.  While we haven’t won the changes to the law yet there is no doubt that Ministers are taking a keen interest.  It would be great to have more evidence from everyone as to why this change is needed.

Posted: 02 December 2011 11:34 AM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 2 ]
Total Posts:  3
Joined  2011-09-23

Are people aware that there is an e-petition to the government asking for changes to planning law relating to this

(  At present only 65 people have signed it so it obviously needs more publicity.  If you believe that there should be more control over change of use please sign this petition and pass the details on to others.

Posted: 15 February 2012 05:17 AM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 3 ]
Total Posts:  1
Joined  2012-02-13

While we haven’t won the changes to the law yet there is no doubt that Ministers are taking a keen interest.  It would be great to have more evidence from everyone as to why this change is needed.
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