Civic Voice Design Award Masterclass
The purpose of the Civic Voice Design Award Masterclasses is to build on from the Civic Voice Design Awards study tours (learn more here).
They are focused on sharing knowledge and expertise about schemes shortlisted for the Civic Voice Design Awards. These seminars provide information and insight from individuals involved in a variety of schemes and share strategies and tactics involved to deliver successful new build, restoration, public realm improvement projects. The masterclass is designed to provide participants with re al-life examples of effective community participation techniques to achieve high quality design projects from a variety of projects. The unique part of this event will be hearing how different projects including housing, public realm and restoration projects have all been successful. The sessions questions such as:
· What were the challenges to overcome in making the project happen?
· How did the project ensure local buy in from communities to the project?
· What were the challenges facing the built environment in the future? ·
· How do you see the public consultation process changing in the next 5 – 10 years?
The first masterclass was organised in 2017 and more information can be accessed here. Images from the previous masterclass can be accessed here.
In 2018, we will be using our masterclasses to consider the following questions and to have a discussion on:
• Is it ever appropriate for the character of developments in a Conservation Area to be significantly different from the style and materials of existing structures?
• If so, what criteria should be applied in approving such developments?
• If all or part of a Conservation Area has become derelict or in generally poor condition, should different criteria be applied in considering its redevelopment?
• Under what circumstances would it be appropriate to support the withdrawal of Conservation Area status?
• Are there examples in your district where designation as a Conservation Area has encouraged significantly better building and public realm maintenance?
• Are there examples in your district where designation as a Conservation Area has hindered property improvements or prevented developments that would have benefited the local community?
We would welcome hearing from civic societies and others on these questions! Let us know at .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)