Through a growing membership we will be financially independent: supported by the civic movement, for the civic movement and making places more attractive, enjoyable and distinctive. We welcome membership and support from
By clicking on each link above you will find out about all benefits of being a Civic Voice supporter for each category, but a summary include:
- You will have a voice lobbying and campaigning on the national policies and issues that you can’t change locally and have a higher media profile
- You will get authority and recognition from saying you are a member of Civic Voice and be able to use the logo on your letterhead and website
- You will have access to civic update, keeping you updated on all things civic
- You will know more about what other civic and community groups are doing across England and have more opportunities to meet and debate with them
We are always on the hunt for active civic societies and other community groups. You can assess your society/community group performance using our 'Civic Society Assessment Toolkit' found here.
Joining Civic Voice will make you more successful. Your credibility will grow and you will attract more members.