Associate Membership

Become part of the most important movement promoting civic pride and protecting the places we call home by joining Civic Voice as an Associate Member for just £50 per year. By doing so, you will also gain a national voice as part of a wider civic movement.

We welcome support from Town and Parish Councils and other local community groups such as Friends of Parks groups, Residents' Associations, Conservation Area Advisory Forums, Neighbourhood Forums and Building Preservation Trusts who share our interest and concern for making places more attractive, enjoyable and distinctive. 

As an Associate Member, you will have access to the All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for Civic Societies, which represents the civic society movement in Parliament and ensures the movement’s voice is heard. You will also receive a fortnightlyCivic Update, providing the latest news and updates on all things civic, and be invited to attend the Civic Voice Annual Convention and AGM, the largest single gathering of the civic movement each year.

Additionally, you will have the opportunity to participate in the Civic Voice Design Awards, the people’s choice for architecture and the built environment, attend a variety of events and workshops throughout England, and join 250 other community groups and organisation across the country on National Civic Day, held each year in June.

To join, simply visit our website and follow the easy steps to become part of this important movement.


•Cheque - Post your membership form application with your cheque to Civic Voice, The Coffin Works, 13-15 Fleet Street, Jewellery Quarter, Birmingham, B3 1JP
•BACS - Email/post your application - easiest if emailed to the address provided and please use the following account information:

Account Name: Civic Voice Account Number: 68045492 Sort Code: 08-02-28

We will confirm your payment with a reciept.

You can download a copy of the membership form here.

Don’t forget you can also support a local civic society near you. Find your group here.