Individual Supporter
We welcome support from any individual who shares our interest and concern for making places more attractive, enjoyable and distinctive. Show your support for conservation areas for the next 50 years by joining Civic Voice as an individual supporter for £20 and help us put conservation areas at the heart of regeneration.
By joining Civic Voice you are part a national civic movement, giving you a national voice. Other benefits also include:
- Monthly Civic Update - This is will be a bite-sized news update giving news and updates from CIvic Voice - it is not civic update.
- Civic Voice Annual Conference - The Civic Voice Annual Conference is the largest single gathering of the civic movement each year.
- Other events - We hold a variety of webinars, events and workshops throughout England throughout the year. Individual supporters are given advance notice of these events and are welcome to attend
- By joining Civic Voice you become part of the county’s most important movement promoting civic pride and celebrating and protecting the places where we all live.
- You will be able to attend some meetings including our Convention and AGM, receive a dedicated monthly update on our work, join and shape our campaigns and benefit from being part of a growing movement. Individual supporter is just £20pa.
Click the logo above if you want to become an individual supporter and to give to Civic Voice on a regular basis.
Don’t forget you can also join a local civic society near you. Find your local society using the map.
You can make a single donation here.