Halifax Civic Trust given recognition for the project “Halifax Medieval Route”

Halifax Civic Trust has been awarded the first prize at the Yorkshire and Humber Association of Civic Societies Annual General Meeting for their local project, "Halifax Medieval Route".

The project revitalized the Wakefield Gate, a medieval route located in East Halifax, through the use of new signage, information boards, walkers' leaflets, and a film created by local company Phil Fearnley photography. The award, presented by YHACS Chair Kevin Trickett MBE, recognizes the efforts of the group of volunteers who worked together to bring the historical route to a new audience. Alan Goodrum, Chair of Halifax Civic Trust, expressed his hope for future projects that will continue to enrich the town and its community.

This award is important recognition as it recognizes the efforts of the Halifax Civic Trust in protecting and promoting the cultural heritage of the town. By revitalizing the medieval route, the trust has made history accessible to a wider audience and created opportunities for education and tourism.

The award serves as motivation for other civic societies to engage in similar projects and contribute to the preservation and promotion of their local heritage.

Learn more about the project on the Halifax Civic Trust website here.