Norwich Society celebrates 100th anniversary of campaigning

Founded in 1923, the Norwich Society has fought for the last 100 years to protect historically significant buildings and landmarks throughout the city. This week, the society met at the 14th-century Bishop's Bridge, where it all began when the society prevented the bridge from being demolished as part of the local authority's road and river widening proposal.

The official centenary year launch began at midday on Thursday, March 23, 2023, on Bishop Bridge. The Mayor of Norwich, the Sheriff of Norwich, Sir Richard Jewson, and members and representatives of organisations that have worked closely with the Society over the years joined the Trustees.

The society has been involved in many campaigns to save and restore historic buildings in the city, including the five landmarks mentioned in this article, including Bishop's Bridge and The Assembly House. Having successfully protected the bridge by having it listed by the national 'Ministry of Works' they also instigated preservation orders on other historic Norwich structures, including the Cathedral and buildings in its Close, the Castle, the Guildhall and many more.

"Norwich needs the Norwich Society," said Lord Mayor Dr Kevin Maguire at the event's launch.

Read more here about the celebrations as the Norwich Society aims to improve Norwich for another 100 years.