Your chance to provide your thoughts to the Parliamentary Inquiry about the future of parks
Reading Civic Society are particularly seized by the contents of an article found in The Times on 5th August, by Richard Morrison, which highlighted that, in the noise which followed the Brexit vote, a group of MPs have established a Parliamentary Inquiry to look at the future of parks; how they should be supported now and in the future including "alternative management and funding models".
Reading Civic Society has started to lobby its own members, and those of other voluntary groups in Reading, to either complete the online survey or to make a written submission of their views. Civic Voice is encouraging all of its members to do the same.
Whilst it notes the intent to engage with schools “…through the 75 Schools Ambassadors” Reading Civic Society feels this is an aspiration which is hardly transparent in its implementation, unless you are on the inside track, and that we should ask schools to engage independently of such intent. Reading Civic Society also has concerns that the attempt to engage schools will be undertaken at a time when schools will be focusing on orientating students at the start of the new terms, so this will not instantly be at the top of their priority list, unless the huge risks are highlighted to them. The society has therefore asked those with contacts in local schools to request that they also take part. It next plans to approach the local media and the town MPs.
The society asks that ALL civic societies do what they can to ensure as many people across the UK are aware of this Inquiry and to encourage them to make a submission of their views.
ALL views have to be received by 30 September 2016.
Relevant links:
To complete the on line survey:
To make a written submission:
Reading Civic Society summary of The Times article