Brighouse Civic Trust


The Brighouse Civic Trust was formed in 1970 as part of the Yorkshire and Humberside Clean-Up Campaign, and took it`s present title in 1971.

The Trust is affiliated to the national Civic Voice formed in 2010 when it took over the aims of the former Civic Trust.

It is also a fully accredited member of the Yorkshire & Humber Association of Civic Societies (YHACS). We are always represented at YHACS meetings and at Civic Voice when they meet in Yorkshire.

Brighouse Civic Trust is a small voluntary group of loyal enthusiasts who exist to protect and improve the environment of Brighouse and District.  NEW MEMBERS ARE ALWAYS WELCOME.

The Trusts main aims are:

• To stimulate public interest in and care for the beauty, history and character of the former borough of Brighouse. 
• To encourage high standards of architecture and town planning in the area. The Trust also believes that industrial expansion and redevelopment must be encouraged, and takes a realistic attitude to its essential coexistence but with a high regard to environmental issues.
• Checking and commenting on planning applications as they affect the town and surrounding area.
• Encouraging the preservation, development and improvement of features of general amenity or historical interest.
• Promoting the image of the town through booklets, leaflets and exhibitions etc.

Our members are supportive of` ‘litter pick ups’ to help to keep the area clean, and encourages other similar projects.

A number of local important buildings have been awarded plaques and certificates as part of the Trust’s ‘Awards for Excellence’ scheme, including The Old Mill, shops in Thornton Square, Ashgrove House and Kirklees Hall.

Regularly checking and reporting on public footpaths and maintaining right of ways.
Occasionally we are able to organise walks around the more interesting parts of the town and countryside.

Brighouse Civic Trust takes part each year in the Civic movements CIVIC DAY in June and also HERITAGE OPEN DAY in September. We were awarded two Commendations from the Yorkshire & Humber Association of Civic Societies for our entries in 2011 and 2012.

We hold our meetings bi - monthly, generally on the second Tuesday, at The Old Town Hall (Town Hall Dental), Thornton Square, commencing at 7.30pm. For exact dates please see our posters placed in libraries and town centre shops approximately two weeks before the meetings. The Town Hall Dental provides very pleasant facilities for our meetings.
Our local paper - the Brighouse Echo is very supportive of our aims.

All our meetings are open to the public and anyone is welcome to attend, to meet us, hear our agenda, discuss future aims and events. It may be possible for us to help with transport if someone finds the Inn not easy to get to - please enquire.

If our aims are what interests you why not help us with our work, or support us with a donation.

Whatever we try to achieve is done for the benefit of the Brighouse area.


All information updated October 2018.

  • County: West Yorkshire
  • Region: Yorkshire and Humber
  • Individual Members: 15


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