Malmesbury Civic Trust


“Conserving the best.  Improving the rest”. This concise statement sums up the National Civic Trust Movement and the proactive branch in Malmesbury has worked tirelessly to meet this objective.  Formed in 1963 we regard ourselves as a vital mouthpiece for Malmesbury to ensure our special town moves forward in a way that preserves its important place in English history.
An early initiative was the now familiar River Walk that allows residents and visitors alike to not only enjoy a stroll but to see the town and its defensive wall in its historical context.  The Jubilee Garden in the centre of Malmesbury was an imaginative project created in 1977 to enhance the town centre.  Since then we have published four history books, organised regular heritage day visits, restored the war memorial and given financial support to both the Athelstan Museum and the historically significant Wesleyan Hall windows in the Town Hall. Our objective is to bring local history to life.  In addition the branch has worked tirelessly to represent the Town’s interests when the Conservation Area Plan was rewritten in 2007.
So where do we go from here?  It is vital that our membership should grow so that we can encourage civic pride in our town and can continue to represent the town’s interests at all levels.  Malmesbury will continue to develop in a fast changing world but it is imperative that any such change should be of high quality and be sympathetic to the town’s unique historical status.

  • County: Wiltshire
  • Region: South West
  • Individual Members: 52


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